Mark Pigot Music Studio

ABN: 25 197 113 475

Piano & Music Theory lessons

Vocal coaching

Adults & young people

Beginners & returners


Mark is an experienced repetiteur (vocal coach / tutor, rehearsal pianist, accompanist), and is often happiest and most fulfilled as a performer when working with a solo singer.

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Mark offers private lessons to singers in any or all aspects of the repetituer's role.  Given his breadth of experience across musical genres, he also works with singers on repertoire development, introducing them to new songs that both develops and extends their capability and bring new performance opportunities.

Note that this is different to a "singing teacher" - Mark does not work on vocal technique, rather he focus on expression, intepretation and song selection, and as a coach to help bring out the best in every singer with whom he works.

He is comfortable working in cabaret, musical theatre, jazz, classical, and rock/pop genres - and encourages singers to venture out of their comfort zone into new genres and styles of singing.

A particular application of these lessons is in audition and eisteddfod/competition preparation, where Mark's experience brings valuable advice to the singer for the audition process.

Mark is also available for freelance accompanying of both singers and instrumentalists, for examinations, eisteddfods and other competitions, and performances.

Details of lesson costs and other terms & conditions can be found here.