Mark Pigot Music Studio

ABN: 25 197 113 475

Piano & Music Theory lessons

Vocal coaching

Adults & young people

Beginners & returners

Piano for Adults

In a few words, "it is never too late to learn"!!!  Whether a "returner" or beginner, Mark works with adults  to develop their skills and appreciation for music in all its forms.


Of course, making music - even if no one else ever hears you! - is simply good fun, and provides enjoyment and enrichment to all who play.  In addition, the benefits of musical education and participation in adulthood in areas such as problem solving, creativity, and communication are well documented.

The past ~20 years has seen an explosion in the amount of high quality piano resources aimed specifically at adults.  Thankfully, we have moved away from poorly adapted children's teaching material that fails to engage and interest the adult learner.  No more nursery rhymes!!!

In his musical career, Mark has had experience working with well over 1,000 adults in developing their love and appreciation for music.  His piano lessons for adults use the piano as a "jumping off point" for growing this appreciation, whilst developing piano technique and performing ability.  He believes in using all genres in piano study, with rock/pop & jazz introduced alongside classical study from the very first lesson.  Lessons are conducted on an individual basis to maximise the benefit of Mark's knowledge and experience to the student.

The "language of music", musical theory, is taught in an integrated fashion during piano lessons, but is also available in standalone lessons for those wishing to further develop their understanding.  Mark firmly believes in the value of theory training, as it directly supports development in piano performance and musical understanding.

Details of lesson costs and other terms & conditions can be found here.