Mark Pigot Music Studio

ABN: 25 197 113 475

Piano & Music Theory lessons

Vocal coaching

Adults & young people

Beginners & returners

WCC etc

  • Working With Children Check: WWC0792637E, expiry 24/02/2026

  • Member of the Music Teachers' Association (MTA) of NSW

  • Full Music Teacher's Liability & Accident Insurance

The rules!

  • Lessons are structured by NSW Public School terms of 8-10 weeks, but lessons may also be available in school vacations by arrangement

  • Fees for each term are payable in full by end Week 1, and are non-refundable

  • Half hour long, weekly lessons are recommended for children

  • Hour long, weekly or fortnightly (by agreement) lessons are recommended for adults and young people

  • Daytime and weekday afternoon and evening classes are available on Monday-Thursday

  • From Term 1 2024, piano & theory etc fees are $96 per hour / $48 per half hour, aligned with MTA recommendation

  • Vocal coaching (repetiteur) fees are $80 per hour / $40 per half hour

  • Student absences, if advised with 48 hours notice, and teacher absences may be made up at a mutually agreeable time if possible but if not credited against next term’s invoice

  • Full payment will be required if cancellations are advised within 48 hours

  • Casual lessons are also available, and are charged by the lesson

  • Music will generally be purchased by the teacher and charged to the student at "music teacher discount" price - the cost of music varies widely, but $150 p.a. should be allowed for. Compliance to copyright law is required, so music photocopies are not permited.


  • Exams are encouraged - because they provide tangible objectives and are a useful checkpoint for progress - but are not compulsory

  • Typically the Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) syllabus will be used, which provides piano options including:

    • Classical

    • "Piano for Leisure"

    • "RockSchool"

  • Other syllabuses are available if preferred

  • Preparation and entry for competitions / eisteddfods is available