Mark Pigot Music Studio

ABN: 25 197 113 475

Piano & Music Theory lessons

Vocal coaching

Adults & young people

Beginners & returners

Piano for young people

Nowadays, young people have an infinite number of "things to do", and the "trick" in studying piano is to ensure that it is both engaging and relevant to each person.  


Mark can directly empathise with young people struggling with the pressures of piano lessons amongst everything else - because he was a piano dropout too!!!  Having started lessons at the tender age of 8, and completing Grade 5 exams by age 13, he (like many boys in particular) quit lessons and barely touched the piano for some three years.  A love of music instilled in those early years, however, brought him back to the instrument at age 16, and his teachers thereafter - including concert pianist/organist and conductor Bransby Byrne - role modelled highly effective piano teaching for young people that now informs his own approach.

This approach includes developing the "whole musician", rather than just the "piano player", working with all genres including contemporary styles directly relevant and of interest to the young person, and introducing composition and improvisation from the first lesson - all of which is relevant to both beginners and "returners" of all ages.  Lessons are conducted on an individual basis to maximise the benefit of Mark's knowledge and experience to the student.

The "language of music", musical theory, is taught in an integrated fashion during piano lessons, but is also available in standalone lessons for those wishing to further develop their understanding.  Mark firmly believes in the value of theory training, as it directly supports development in piano performance and musical understanding.

The benefits of musical education and participation from a young age are well documented, and will often lead to improved performance at school and a greater ability to concentrate, create, and interact with others.

Details of lesson costs and other terms & conditions can be found here.