Mark Pigot Music Studio

ABN: 25 197 113 475

Piano & Music Theory lessons

Vocal coaching

Adults & young people

Beginners & returners

"Matilda" at Rouse Hill Anglican College

Mark recently had the privilege of playing Keys 1 for this production, including having a piano student “sit in” the orchestra pit for a performance!!!

School musicals are an invaluable part of musical development for all students who choose to get involved, and Mark passionately believes that students should do as much as they can on each production including filling the ranks of the orchestra - and 80% of the orchestra were students in this production. Its sometimes useful to include “ring ins”, however, especially when the score is the full Broadway touring orchestration!!!

Wise words on tempo from the master (Beethoven)

“My tempi are valid only for the first bars, as feeling and expression must have their own tempo”

“Why do they annoy me by asking for my tempi?  Either they are good musicians and ought to know how to play my music, or they are bad musicians and in that case my indications would be of no avail”

In other words, metronome markings are a guide, NOT a prescription!!!