Mark Pigot Music Studio

ABN: 25 197 113 475

Piano & Music Theory lessons

Vocal coaching

Adults & young people

Beginners & returners

Duets with Diabelli

Anton Diabelli was an Austrian composer and publisher, and a contemporary of Beethoven.

Through a Melbourne-based piano educator, Tim Topham, I've only recently been introduced to Diabelli's duets, some of which are very much suitable to beginner-level pianists.  In my (and Tim's) opinion - they're great!!!!!  I think they are an excellent way of introducing students to classical repertoire, where the finished product belies the degree of difficulty in the "primo" (in this case beginner student) part.

If only for fun, I'll be introducing some of the Diabelli duets with all of my beginner students.

Orff Schulwerk

Last Friday 6/10, I and ~20 other piano teachers attended a full day workshop on the Orff Schulwerk music teaching "approach" (NOT a method!!!), using the new Trinity College of London piano exam pieces.

In a sentence, the approach takes each element of music - rhythm, melody, texture, harmony and form- which are taught separately using a variety of techniques that don't all use the piano e.g. listening, speech rhymes, singing, percussion, dance, etc.  This is underpinned by a "natural learning process" that mirrors the progression we all go through as we learn our oral and written language: listen - sing - play - read - write.

The workshop was very interesting and enjoyable - and highly participative!! - and contained a range of techniques for further investigation in my teaching.  The holistic and flexible principles embodied in Orff Schulwerk are very consistent with my strong belief in learning music holistically, using the piano as a vehicle.